Heading 2
A new commandment I give you: love one another,
as I have loved you
10.0 a.m.
Parish Communion
6.30 p.m.
Evening Prayer
For more information
click here
and every Wednesday
at 11.0 a.m.
there is a celebration of
(Book of Common Prayer)
For information about the photographic competition please click here
The Sunday Club is a childrens' group which meets during the
10.0 a.m. service, joining everyone in church at 10.45 for the last part of the service and refreshments.
Our church is open every day
from roughly 10.0 to 5.0
for private prayer and reflection or just to get a bit of peace and quiet. The churchyard is of course always open for a little bit of green space.
Sermon for Trinity 12
can be read here
Cafod prayer for Gaza and Israel,
for the Ukraine and Russia
Christ, Prince of Peace,
hear our prayer and lament,
for our suffering sisters and brothers.
Our hearts are heavy as we witness lives
torn apart,
as we see the faces of frightened children
and hear the pleas of those without water or food.
We pray for the dead and the grieving,
for the injured and the afraid.
We pray for courage and perseverance,
for those working for healing
and to bring aid.
We pray for world leaders,
that they may strive for a just
and lasting peace.
God of new beginnings,
in your ways are compassion and hope.
Open our hearts to dialogue and understanding.
Lead us all to answer your call
to become peacemakers today,
and all the days of our life.
Parents, grandparents, carers and toddlers are all invited to a
Monday 14th October in the Village Hall 10.0 –11.30
Food – play – fun – make friends
John Henry Newman as preacher:
a conference open to all
Monday, 16 September at 14:15
University Church of St. Mary the Virgin
Eamon Duffy, "Newman in the University Pulpit - 'the management of hearts'"
Tuesday, 17 September at 14:30
in Littlemore church
Benjamin King, "Preaching the Church Fathers
for Good or for Ill"
Wednesday, 18 September at 14:30
St. Clement's Church, Oxford
Kenneth L. Parker, "An Earnest Evangelical: The Beginnings of John Henry Newman's Preaching Ministry"
This is the booking page for the lecture here:
The Thames Valley
Annual Choirs' Festival Service
Saturday 28th September
at Christ Church Cathedral
Start? Registration for choir from 2.30 pm. Rehearsal starts 3.00 pm
Service time? 6.00 – 7.00 pm
Who? All singers are welcome.
Cost? £7 adults; £5 under 18s.
Come and join the choir for the rehearsal, or join the congregation at the service.
as part of the congregation.
More info and to book
For other recent sermons,
click here
For the pewsheet
for September click here
The Sandford Link magazine
- Autumn 2024 -
our village magazine
can be read here
Next one December
We are part of the United Benefice of Littlemore with Sandford on Thames,
and the priest-in-charge is the
Rev. Margreet Armitstead.
will take you to the website for the Oxford Diocese, which has loads of information on events in the Diocese.
St Mary and St Nicholas church in Littlemore is our sister church.
Thoughtful opinions on anglican matters.
Sandford's amazing cafe, shop and Saturday market (always looking for new volunteers).
The village website, which includes Parish council information.
Facebook page for the Sandford Link magazine.
www.facebook.com/sandfordonthamesWI/: information about what is going on at the Sandford Women's Institute.
A Christian is someone
who believes that if we get to know Jesus Christ and follow his teachings, we can work with his Spirit to let God's kingdom into our world - a kingdom of love, justice,
and peace.
If you want to explore further, christianity.org.uk is a great website:
click here
For over 900 years St Andrew's has stood at the heart of the village, and its church bells have rung out to mourn or celebrate every great event of our country's history.
For centuries Sandford villagers have been laid to rest in the churchyard, which is
a place steeped in history and memories - still open to all
and visited by many for
peaceful meditation or reflection.
The church building is of interest in itself - click
on the button below
for a leaflet on its history.
In 1086 the Domesday Book
counted 18 families as living by
the sandy ford over the Thames
Six hundred years later the
population of the village
had barely doubled,
and it was still under 200 people
at the start of the 19th century.
Today the parish boundaries
have been enlarged, and the
population numbers
more than 1,200.
If you are new to the village,
You may find the newcomers
guide (click here )
a useful introduction
to what goes on.