Giving time
We are always grateful for offers of help to keep the churchyard under control, with cleaning, or to join our flower team. Please get in touch with Mick Hills if you can spare a little time, or the vicar on 01865 434256.
Giving money
The mission, ministry, and upkeep of St St Andrew’s is supported largely by the generosity of our congregation and other supporters in the village. If you would like to contribute financially to maintaining a church in the village, either through regular pledged giving or a single gift, please download and complete the appropriate form (below) or have a word with the vicar.
If you pay tax the Gift Aid Declaration form (below) will enable us to recover tax on your gift.
Banker's order form for regular donations
Charities we support
Last year our congregation supported the following charities, either by giving time or through our donations as a church:
Diocese of SW Tanganyika
The Porch, supporting homeless and vulnerable housed people in East Oxford
Tandem befriending, offering support to people in Oxford after mental breakdown
Church Urban Fund, helping in communities where help is most needed
Asylum Welcome, welcoming asylum seekers, refugees and detainees in Oxfordshire
Jerusalem Eye Hospital, saving the sight of many in Jerusaem, the West Bank, and Gaza
St John’s Ambulance, the country's leading first aid charity