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For nearly a thousand years, the parish church of St Andrew

has stood at the heart of the village of Sandford-on-Thames.

Today it is still a house of prayer with a congregation

who welcome visitors and new-comers,

a centre of worship and music

where the eucharist is celebrated every Sunday,

with a churchyard and garden of remembrance

making space for quiet reflection. 

Rowan Williams writes that
"the original vision of the Church of England
was to provide a diet of solid food for thoughtful people; 
it took the people of England seriously enough to believe
that they did not want just to be entertained, mystified or excited. 
They wanted to be fed and enriched – by the steady provision of a worship
that was “sober” (a favourite Anglican adjective!)
yet infused with beauty and imagination, by intelligent biblical exposition, and by the challenge to go on growing up as believers."

That ideal is aspired to in Sandford.


Our church is open every day

between about 9.30 and 5.30.


You are very welcome to visit

and to make use of

any of the leaflets, books

and aids to reflection.


Our Sunday Eucharist

is every Sunday at 10.0.

and Evening Prayer

every Sunday at 6.30 p.m.


St Andrew's Church

Church Road

Sandford on Thames




John Findon 01865 434256

or Robert Morgan 01865 748848


This parish is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of people

of all ages

in our church community.


If you have any concerns, please contact

one of our safeguarding officer:

Sue Riley 07450 484853


The parish safeguarding policy

can be found here.

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