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John Findon

Associate Priest

John was a vicar in the Manchester diocese before moving to Littlemore and becoming interim chaplain at Jesus College.  He joined the Sandford ministry team in 2021 and will lead it in 2022.


Christian Bradley

Church Warden

and Choirmaster

A physicist/engineer by profession, I have from a young age been equally absorbed by singing and latterly (nearly two decades) by directing music at St Andrews - with a particular interest in voice production.   I am supported by my scientific and musical family both as singers and as audience!


Jill Bradley

Deputy Warden

Christian and I started coming to St Andrews back in 1992 when we moved to Sandford. We now live in Kennington but remain linked to Sandford via the church and Vale House where my Mum was a resident, and I am now a Trustee. I work in the NHS as a medical physicist. paragraph.


Angela Pitkin

Deputy Warden

I am now retired, ending my working days in the Housing Dpt. of Bournemouth BC.

Paul & I moved here in 2022 to be near our family who live in Sandford on Thames.

I enjoy being part of the church and village life, both socially and through volunteering in Sandford and Littlemore.


Robert Morgan

Associate priest

Bob became priest-in-charge at Sandford in 1987 and will remain an associate priest in the United Benefice in 2022.


Clive Tasker

Church Warden

I am retired from many years managing

a catering company, and am involved in

many village activities, including pastoral

work, gardening, catering and as part of

the Fete committee.


Teresa Morgan
Associate Priest

Liz Shatford

Pastoral assistant

Teresa was ordained to be SSM curate of Littlemore in 2002.  She joined the Sandford team in addition in 2010 and will remain part time from 2022 while Professor Theology at Yale.


Isobel Wilson


Having trained and worked as a lawyer I am now employed at Oxfam and enjoy singing in St Andrew's choir as well as managing its finances.

An architect and  urban designer, after retiring from Oxford City Council I retrained as a podiatrist, trained as a Lay Minister, and served as Sandford's parish clerk for twenty years.   I have written on Sandford  local history and am very concerned about environmental issues.


Mick Hills

Deputy Warden

and Sexton


After a spell as Church Warden and on Synod my main responsibilities at St Andrew's are acting as Acting Warden, looking after the churchyard (help always gratefully received!) and ringing the bells.

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Sue Sabini

Deputy Warden

and Safeguarding Officer

I worked as a social worker in Oxford and around,  and brought up my family in Broadhurst Gardens, where Paul and I and Sian now live.  I am also the Parish Clerk of Sandford on Thames.


Carole Tasker

Deputy Warden

With Clive, I managed our catering company

until our recent retirement. I enjoy my involvement

with Sandford WI, do pastoral work in the village,

and am part of the Fete committee.

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Alison Nicol

Deputy Warden


I’m retired now but loved

working for many years

on the admin of a course

for international students

at Oxford University.

 I came to St Andrew’s when

I moved to Sandford in 2000

and have been People’s Warden

and sing in the choir.  I do some

volunteering with Asylum Welcome.


Paul Pitkin

Deputy Warden


A retired Arboricultural officer with Bournemouth BC & living in Poole Dorset, Angela and I moved to Littlemore

to be near our family in 2022. I am interested in environmental matters, volunteering and being involved with local history societies and enjoy being in the congregation of St. Andrew’s.


Sue Bradshaw


A career in nursing included managing a care home in Sandford.  Retirement allowed me to become Church Warden for a spell and to continue with practical tasks in St Andrew's.

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Anne Pitson


For many years my husband Martin was organist at St Andrew's, and I have been involved with our church in many ways,  as Church and Deputy Warden, and with the Flower team and organising the annual Flower Festival.   I am very involved with the Talking Shop cafe, and enjoy cooking and craftwork.

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